Home » Relay
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Automatically control a load based on the ambient light level.
Automatically control a load based on ambient light detection.
For control of a load such as a fan or misting pump based on relative humidity level.
Control a load based on the temperature.
5V relay can control AC or up to 24VDC at up to 90W.
5V logic compatible SSR controls 100-240VAC@2A
5V logic compatible relay that can control up to 125/250VAC @ 10A or up to 15VDC @ 10A.
5V logic compatible relay that that can control up to 125/250VAC@10A or up to 15VDC@10A.
Two relays control up to 125/250VAC@10A / 15VDC@10A.
Four independent 5V logic compatible relays control up to 125/250VAC@10A or 15VDC@10A each.
8 independent Opto-isolated 5V logic compatible relays
5V logic compatible, controls 100-240VAC@2A
3.3 – 5V logic compatible, controls 100-240VAC@2A